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When selecting security technology and security vendors, what is your strategy?

We've set up a simple poll to find out what our customers consider most important when choosing a security technology and vendor. If you have views on this, please respond to the poll, which you'll find in the right hand panel of the community pages. If you'd like to give us more details, or explore why other community members make their choices, why not post in this thread? All comment will be gratefully received. :smileyhappy:



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  • All comment will be gratefully received - that's why I've joined the community :smileywink:

    Who's the I deciding on strategy? Even if it were me I'd face a number of constraints - not the least of them cash. Unless you have a deep pocket it's always a tradeoff.

    While the "lowest price" could be zero TCO can't. Features should be manageable, but certain features are required. So a solution/product has to offer certain features and manageability at an affordable price (which in most cases can't be zilch).

    I know - not a very profound statement ...

