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Agent-based resources on a ZTNA portal


Are there any good practices for sharing the library of resources to users? ZTNA portal shows only agentless resources, but we use mostly agent-based.

Also is there any ETA for making the agent-based resources reachable on the portal?

Best regards

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  • Hi,

    User portal support for agent-based resources is on the roadmap. But, I do not yet have an ETA for it.

    To understand more, what agent resource types are generally used in your deployment? Agent resources could be any TCP or UDP applications   Since the user portal is a web application, would you want to display non-browser-based resources as well via the user portal?


  • We use all kinds of resources and as there is quite a big number of them it would be nice to have some kind of library, which would show all the resources available to you and hide all the others. For now it looks like I will need to find another way how to share all resources to users. If there are any good suggestions, I'm listening.

  • We use all kinds of resources and as there is quite a big number of them it would be nice to have some kind of library, which would show all the resources available to you and hide all the others. For now it looks like I will need to find another way how to share all resources to users. If there are any good suggestions, I'm listening.

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