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Sophos WS500 Setup Assistance

Hi everyone, 

I have recently acquired a Sophos WS500 product from eBay. My ultimate goal is to install Sophos' UTM Home on it for use in my house. I have acquired the free licence available and have all relevant information downloaded on my PC. Upon researching the somewhat scarce information about this box. I have been informed and concluded that it is perfectly possible to install the UTM software on this piece of kit. 

The problems I have encountered may be perfectly easy to solve however from me searching around I haven't found anything that works and I hope that someone here would be able to solve the problem. 

The product I purchased came with what I believe was the "optional" bridge card w/ a "WAN" and "LAN" port on it. I must mention that I bought the unit used so these labels may have been left on from the previous owner, I'm not sure. I can't see why this is relevant however I want to include all information possible so it is easier to solve. At this point the box is turned on and seems somewhat happy doing what however I'm still unsure. 

I have booted up the box and have a red light where the "temperature" indicator is meant to be. 1st question, is this normal? 

Secondly, Upon inspection the VGA output is protected by a piece of aluminium, I have since taken this off with an allen or "hex" key. Upon plugging in my monitor I can see nothing on my screen after a number of reboots. From my understanding this machine should function almost like a proper PC and therefore should give me some bootup options, yes?

Additionally, when I additionally plug in the unit the fans spin up slightly and then go louder after around the 5 minute mark. Is there something going on under-the-hood that I can't see? I'm really new to Sophos products and only picked this-one up for a Summer project. From my understanding, as Sophos' boxes are bought outright and you pay the licences for the software, not for the box that this is appropriate to be posted in the forum? I have seen others explaining that they have had other distributions of Linux running on similar models to this. 

The software setup guide that is available here: doesn't seem to really help at all. Additionally,  "Step 2 - Configure the Sophos Appliance" doesn't allow me to access any configuration page at all, I just get "unidentified network" and that's it. I don't really want to have to set the unit up, all I really want to do is be able to install the UTM Software onto this unit. My main issue is getting an image displayed on screen so I can proceed with the install and get the unit setup. 

Any other information you may need I am happy to provide. Please excuse me if I have posted this in the wrong section or wrong forum completely! 

Many thanks, apologies if this is a rather long-winded post. As I said, I'd rather not leave anything out!!

Tom, (Krismico)


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  • Hi Tom,

    It sounds like you probably have a defective hardware unit.  The temperature light should not stay lit.   The VGA port is covered by default as the unit is not meant to be plugged into a monitor when running the Web Applaince firmware, but you should still see a normal bootup sequence if you plug in a monitor.

    Generally if the hardware was healthly, you could plug in a USB CD-ROM drive, go into the BIOS and set to boot from the CD-ROM drive and install any OS/software you wish.


  • Hi Petr,

    Thank you very much for your help. I will return the unit I purchased then. Thank you for helping me out. 

