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Sophos Behaviour detection


I believe, for performing behaviour based detection , there may not be any signatures , and most of the detection is based on 

husristics/scan  performed on the code/attachment etc.

Can anybody please provide  samples/examples of behaviour based malware.

Deployement of Sophos engine would be in a security gateway .


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  • Thanks for rephrasing :smileyhappy:

    The Behavioral Genotype Protection article was written in 2006 as you can see, I'd call it a marketing buzzword (no insult intended - but see the SophosLabs™ , a techie would never use this ™ :smileywink:) and nowadays there's Sophos Genotype®  and Behavioral Genotype® Protection . Anyway this is not a configurable addition or only available under certain conditions but part of the scanning engine. Though neither the Web nor the Endpoint Security datasheets still mention Genotype but the Email Security does :smileyhappy:

    As for web traffic - this usually means HTTP(S) traffic and there are no "attachments", email attachments will be scanned in both directions and I guess uploads as well.


  • Thanks for rephrasing :smileyhappy:

    The Behavioral Genotype Protection article was written in 2006 as you can see, I'd call it a marketing buzzword (no insult intended - but see the SophosLabs™ , a techie would never use this ™ :smileywink:) and nowadays there's Sophos Genotype®  and Behavioral Genotype® Protection . Anyway this is not a configurable addition or only available under certain conditions but part of the scanning engine. Though neither the Web nor the Endpoint Security datasheets still mention Genotype but the Email Security does :smileyhappy:

    As for web traffic - this usually means HTTP(S) traffic and there are no "attachments", email attachments will be scanned in both directions and I guess uploads as well.


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