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WS500 and PHP Image Resizing

Does the WS500 somehow prevent PHP image resizing when visiting a website?

I have a few websites that we visit which have featured articles on their homepage.  The featured article will have a synopsis paragraph about the article along with a thumbnail image - resized via PHP.  The image placeholders where the thumbnail image is supposed to appear has a box with a red "X".  But if you click on the featured article(s) to view/read the entire article it has the full size image of the same picture.  It shows up with no problems.

If I leave our network and go elsewhere to any other PC - we do not have this problem.  The only difference is we are filtered by SOPHOS WS500.  I have setup a new policy for a test account to allow all categories and even put the website as a TRUSTED site - so filtering should be minimal if any at all while visiting this particular site.  So it really has me puzzled.  The only other thing I could think of it might would be is the fact we are also using SOPHOS Endpoint Security and Control.  But I have one PC that does not have that software on it yet and it does the same thing - shows a red X.

I then thought it might be an issue with Internet Explorer.  So I put the website in question as a trusted site in Internet Explorer as well as setting the security and privacy settings to the lowest setting - allowing anything/everything and still get the red X.

So I am wondering if the Sophos appliance (WS500) is seeing the PHP image resize happen and blocking it for some reason?

If I go home to view/visit the website - it shows up normal with no problems.  Called a friend and had them pull it up at their office and they say it pulls up normal with no problems.

Really, really puzzled.

If I go into the Sophos appliance reports - it does not show anything blocked visiting the website.  Which it should now anyway because in the WS500 appliance it is now categorized as a trusted site.

HAS GOT to be something to do with the appliance.


Furthermore, if I view the source code of the website and get the URL of the image to be in the imageplace holder where the red X is and paste the URL into my browser I got HTTP 404 Page Not Found error.  If I copy and paste the same link and email it to my friend - he can click the same link and it pulls up the image with no problems.

Here is one of the links:

On our network if you visit this website the featured articles on the homepage - the image place holders have a box with red X.  But if you click on one of the featured articles - say - Addictions - Alcohol and Substance Abuse - the picture inside the article which is full sized is displayed correctly.  It is just the thumbnails on the homepage that are not showing up correctly.

So for this article - the thumbnail link is:

If I click on the link I get a page not found error.  Anybody else who clicks on it sees the image.


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