How can we test Sandstorm? Will there be a link on to an innocuous file that will trigger a scan?
How can we test Sandstorm? Will there be a link on to an innocuous file that will trigger a scan?
When in doubt, Script it out.
When in doubt, Script it out.
Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer
Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer
Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer
When in doubt, Script it out.
When in doubt, Script it out.
There are several steps to sandboxing:
Step 1: Sophos Anti-Virus says the file is a candidate for sandboxing
Step 2: Licensing and configuration are checked to see if sandboxing is enabled
Step 3: The file is checked against the cloud server to find out if it is a known file
Step 4: Unknown files are sent for sandboxing
If you are getting sandbox=- that means the files were not identified as candidates for sandboxing (failed step 1)
If you are getting sandbox=1 that means they are sandboxable but sandboxing is not configured (failed step 2)
Any other number means they got to Step 3 or 4.
Assuming for a moment that you are getting sandbox=- please make sure
1) The file is actually being virus scanned by the Sophos AV Scanner
2) The Sophos AV Scanner is up to date including all virus definitions
3) The file is under 10MB, is not also detected as a virus...