Sophos Central ad in UTM 9.6 Beta

I'm sorry but I just ran across this very poorly hidden ad for Sophos Central on the Wireless Protection menu in the latest version of the 9.6 beta.... WTF Sophos? I really don't understand how they can say they're committed to UTM's future and then put this ad into the GUI....

  • The banner is not intended to be hidden and is a regular promotion of a product which can be used in addition to Sophos UTM.

    We have had a number of requests about support for the new APX Series access points from Sophos UTM customers. The banner is intended to inform customers about the option to manage those access points in Sophos Central, as management support for APX is currently not planned for Sophos UTM.

    Many of our Sophos UTM customers do not manage Wi-Fi from their UTM/SG but use a separate (non-Sophos) Wi-Fi solution instead and so this is an option for them to use a more scalable Sophos solution, managed from a platform which they may already be using to manage other solutions, namely Sophos Central.

    Sophos UTM is by no means ‘dead’ and customers who want to manage their Wi-Fi via their UTM console can continue to do so.

  • There's a huge difference between a footnote that says "Sorry, APX products can only be managed with Sophos Central due to software limitations" and a very prominent orange banner that says "Look at this flashy new cloud product that's totally unrelated to UTM, you should go buy that instead of using UTM..." Actions always speak louder than words and this banner just reinforces the notion that UTM is on a rapidly downward spiral to its death.

  • There's a huge difference between a footnote that says "Sorry, APX products can only be managed with Sophos Central due to software limitations" and a very prominent orange banner that says "Look at this flashy new cloud product that's totally unrelated to UTM, you should go buy that instead of using UTM..." Actions always speak louder than words and this banner just reinforces the notion that UTM is on a rapidly downward spiral to its death.

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