In for a penny in for a pound

Hi all,

waited for this one. Installed the upgrade version using up2date process. Installation went without a hitch.

AP55 came online after a while. Allowed me to login to the UTM and do some quick surfing, then the AP55 went off line, not sure why. Eventually it came back online, about 5 minutes wait.

I am still using my home licence to do the testing.

I have done a quick run through of the menus. nothing significant at this stage. Deeper investigation to happen.

Otherwise seems to be going okay. Now to try the big challenge and get my wife's facebook working again, it failed before the upgrade.

  • Hi Ian,

    welcome to the Beta. I expect your AP to do a firmware update after the upgrade.

    Of course you can use your license as well, but for all who want to run tests we provided a test license ;o)


    - 21 is only half of the truth

  • I'm testing on my home UTM too.

    Install using the u2u package went without a hitch and took a minute or two. When UTM came back up, there was a period of high cpu usage which is probably down to the database upgrade.

    As mentioned, a quick look around and there isn't that much difference that is visible ie a few tabs changed etc.

    I like the expired certificates warning as it hits you in the face if you look at your certs ie big red expired icon

    I'll have a closer look at WAF where most of the GUI changes seem to be.

    If I'm honest (and please don't take this as a criticism as I know there have been many fixes underneath), I'm a little disappointed that there aren't more added features that have clearly been requested on the suggestions pages.

    Unless you use WAF, there really doesn't appear to be much new for the average user so I think others might be slightly disappointed too.

  • I'm testing on my home UTM too.

    Install using the u2u package went without a hitch and took a minute or two. When UTM came back up, there was a period of high cpu usage which is probably down to the database upgrade.

    As mentioned, a quick look around and there isn't that much difference that is visible ie a few tabs changed etc.

    I like the expired certificates warning as it hits you in the face if you look at your certs ie big red expired icon

    I'll have a closer look at WAF where most of the GUI changes seem to be.

    If I'm honest (and please don't take this as a criticism as I know there have been many fixes underneath), I'm a little disappointed that there aren't more added features that have clearly been requested on the suggestions pages.

    Unless you use WAF, there really doesn't appear to be much new for the average user so I think others might be slightly disappointed too.
