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AP55c - took it apart to see what is wrong with it?

My AP55c has been giving issues on the 5ghz band, so I decided to take it apart.

Yes, I checked it is out of warranty.

I found all these strange marks on the PCB that look like water stains. They could also be solder fume residue. There is a liquid on the heatsinks between the chips and the fixed pads, looks like some form of oil.

There appears to be corrosion around some of the joints. I can only think if they are water stains that they are condensation points. At times around here the humidity hits 80% inside, but why only the AP55c which sits on a stand in the middle of the room and why only the 5ghz channel is affected? Anyway it looks like I am up for a replacement whuch more than likely will be an AP55.

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