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AP55c 5ghz defaulting to 24mb/s connection.

Hi folks,

I am having performance issues with my AP55c 5ghz channels. The testing is being done within 2 metres of the AP55c.

When using the 2,4ghz channels my devices connect at 144mb/s.

When using the 5ghz channels they conect initially at a high speed, but within seconds drop to 24mb/s. I have tried restarting the AP55C. This was happening before the latest UTM 9.5xx release.

The devices used for testing are

Mac Bok Pro (mid 2014)

iPad min 2

iphone 6.

I have had connections speed over 800mb/s previously.

Any ideas as to how to fix the problem. I don't see any way of reflashing the AP55c at this stage.

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