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AP100C Intermittent


I have had several problems now with this AP and I can only assume that it has a hardware fault. I'm having problems now with where connections will time-out randomly on devices that are connected to this AP. Running a simple local ping from local to local, the ping will jump from 1 ms to 300+ ms and then back to 1 ms? When this happens, the AP seems to be in a stuck state and has to be power-cycled.

I checked the log on my UTM and I can't really see anything that jumps out as to what is happening here. One entry that I can see a lot of (during the times this happens) are these three lines: 

netifd: radio1 (7076): command failed: No such device (-19)
kernel: [ 1130.960000] br-lan1001: port 3(wlan3) entered disabled state
kernel: [ 1130.960000] br-vxlan104: port 3(wlan11) entered disabled state

I am not sure exactly what this means, but I can only assume that it probably isn't good? Is it time to replace this AP?


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