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Request Redirection - Domain Change?

Hi, I am trying to create a vanity URL that redirects domain, virtual directory and port as follows;

Virtual Webserver

  • Interface: Internet
  • Type: Encrypted (HTTPS) & Redirect
  • Certificate: Commercial Wildcard
  • Domains:
  • No Real Webserver
  • No Firewall Profile
  • Advanced: Defaults

Site Path Routing:

  • Path: /appfolder
  • Reverse Authentication: No Profile
  • Real Web Servers: Web App
  • No Access Control
  • Advanced: Defaults

Request Redirection:

  • Source
    • Path: /
  • Target
    • Host:
    • Path: /appfolder
    • Protocol: Encrypted (HTTPS)
    • Port: 8000
  • Reponse Code: 301

My aim is for the user to enter and get redirected to

Instead, the browser is requesting

The web app has clickjack protection that accepts only the expected host header so this won't work. 

Am I doing something wrong or is what I want not possible?

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