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Connection to server timed out


I have problem with citrix web logon. We connecting to remote citrix gateway vai ipsec sito-to-site vpn. Today citrix web gateway stop work and log says this:


2017:03:27-15:11:58 mail-1 httpproxy[6563]: id="0002" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" name="web request blocked" action="block" method="GET" srcip="" dstip="" user="mn-ps" group="Personnel" ad_domain="MY-COMPANY" statuscode="504" cached="0" profile="REF_HttProAccesPolic (Access policy)" filteraction="REF_HttCffOpen (Open)" size="2533" request="0xcea83e00" url="" referer="" error="Connection to server timed out" authtime="103" dnstime="517" cattime="90" avscantime="0" fullreqtime="60738043" device="0" auth="2" ua="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0" exceptions="av,sandbox,fileextension" category="9998" reputation="unverified" categoryname="Uncategorized" country="N/A"

The remota site says the verything works on their site, we are just clients with citrix receiver. I am not sure where to start search.

Ping to works and return ip

I put this address to Web Protection/Filtering Options/Misc/Skip transparent mode destination Hosts/Nets but this was not help. What can be wrong ?

Thank you for any info.


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  • the bing entries have nothing to do with your problem, as evidenced by the entries that say action="pass" (UTM allowed the request) and statuscode="200" (http result was OK).

    api in computer jargon usually means "application programming interface", and it is probably the same here, even in the context of a host name.   This may be the browser retrievieng search suggestions, or retrieving the background picture, or some other overhead function.   But since it has nothing to do with either your Citrix target or a failed traffic exchange, it is not your clue.