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Sophos UTM Web Protection HTTPS CA

Hi All,

I've been having some trouble with my Sophos UTM after upgrading to the latest version of iOS and OSX on my Apple devices. Web browsing is no longer possible on these devices due to Apple's requirements changing where keys must use key sizes greater than or equal to 2048 bits. Unfortunately, the latest update for Sophos UTM which was supposed to resolve this problem, hasn't. When using the Sophos UTM CA, certificates are still being generated at 1024 bits.

I have a Windows Domain environment setup at home. I've recently setup Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services, where I'd like to use this as the CA for my Sophos UTM HTTPs scanning. I can't seem to find any documentation on the procedure of doing this, I've only been able to come across documentation on this for the Sophos XG Firewall. Is it possible to set Sophos UTM to use the CA of Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


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