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Cannot log in a Office 365 account on Skype for Business Client

Using Office 365. Having Skype for Business Clients in my network. Have been working but since yesterday something has happened.

Using the following exceptions in Web filtering: Caching, Block by download size, Antivirus, Extension blocking, Extension blocking, URL Filter, Content Removal, SSL scanning, Certificate trust check, Certificate date check, Accessed pages, Blocked pages, Do not display Download/Scan progress page

Matching these URLs:


My problem is that I cannot log in using my Office 365 account in Skype for Business Client. For test purpose, if I insert myself on the Transparent Mode Skiplist it works, I can log in.

Skype for Business Client and Office 365 is apparently not easy to maintain when scanning SSL in UTM. I cannot see any blocked pages in the UTM web proxy log.

Using Office version 1805

How can I fix this? Anybody?

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