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[solved] Log flooded with INVALID_MESSAGE_ID errors

Hi to all !
As I got no idea, why I see this error and how to resolve it, I hope somebody from the board can help me.
I've got several IPSec site-to-site Tunnels
One throws me the following errors every 2 seconds
2017:08:21-11:09:25 vpn pluto[23586]: "S_XXXXXX_VPN_IPsec" #53: Quick Mode I1 message is unacceptable because it uses a previously used Message ID 0x276091ae (perhaps this is a duplicated packet)
2017:08:21-11:09:25 vpn pluto[23586]: "S_XXXXXX_VPN_IPsec" #53: sending encrypted notification INVALID_MESSAGE_ID to EXTERNAL_IP_OF_REMOTEGW:500

I got two SAs over this tunnel, both work, so I wonder, what this error is about and how I could get rid of it.

Best Regards


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