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High CPU usage at nightly Replication (snort & openvpn)


we are replicating our main Servers every night to our external Datacenter

i noticed that for the time of the replication, the cpu of the UTM in the Datacenter went up to 100%.

If i check the precesses with TOP I can see that mainly openvpn and snort are consuming the ressources.

I created a exception under Intrusion Prevention -> Exception and
excluded the effected Servers but nothing changed regarding snort.

I ended up excluding the whole Network, but nothing happend.
Only if i turn off Intrusion Prevention, Snort will disappear from Top

regarding openvpn

we have created a SSL Site-to-Site VPN with compression on at first place. I changed that to Compression off but nothing changed.
Openvpn stays on 45% if Intrusion Preventuion is turned on and ~ 85 % if Intrusion Prevention is turned off.

Is there a way to get the CPU down?
Why is the Snort process consuming CPU after i created a exception?

Our configuration is a active/passive cluster SG310 at the office and a ASG120 at the Datacenter.
Both are Firmware 9.413-4
The Transferred Data at night is between 5 and 12 GB and take 1-3 hours

i would be glad if one could help




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