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Anyone have the NEW portal Azure working with UTM 9.403?

I have gone through countless threads over the past 10 days with no luck; the Classic portal setup works for me but not the NEW azure portal setup.

I have tried both Initiate and response, mostly initiate. My current policy setting is:

Compression off, not using strict policy.
IKE Settings: AES 128 / SHA1 / Group 2: MODP 1024   Lifetime: 28800 seconds
IPsec Settings: AES 128 / SHA1 / Null (None)   Lifetime: 3600 seconds

The error I keep getting is:

2016:06:08-10:40:30 asl ipsec_starter[14412]: Starting strongSwan 4.4.1git20100610 IPsec [starter]...
2016:06:08-10:40:30 asl pluto[14426]: Starting IKEv1 pluto daemon (strongSwan 4.4.1git20100610) THREADS VENDORID CISCO_QUIRKS
2016:06:08-10:40:30 asl pluto[14426]: loaded plugins: curl ldap aes des blowfish serpent twofish sha1 sha2 md5 random x509 pubkey pkcs1 pgp dnskey pem sqlite hmac gmp xauth attr attr-sql resolve
2016:06:08-10:40:30 asl pluto[14426]: including NAT-Traversal patch (Version 0.6c)
2016:06:08-10:40:30 asl pluto[14426]: Using Linux 2.6 IPsec interface code
2016:06:08-10:40:30 asl ipsec_starter[14418]: pluto (14426) started after 40 ms
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loading ca certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts'
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loaded ca certificate from '/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/VPN Signing CA.pem'
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loading aa certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/aacerts'
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loading ocsp certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/ocspcerts'
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: Changing to directory '/etc/ipsec.d/crls'
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loading attribute certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/acerts'
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface ppp1/ppp1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface ppp1/ppp1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth4.2/eth4.2
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth4.2/eth4.2
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth2/eth2
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth2/eth2
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth0/eth0
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface eth0/eth0
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface lo/lo
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface lo/lo
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: adding interface lo/lo ::1:500
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loading secrets from "/etc/ipsec.secrets"
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: loaded PSK secret for xx.xx.88.90
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: listening for IKE messages
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: added connection description "S_to MS Azure"
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: "S_to MS Azure" #1: initiating Main Mode
2016:06:08-10:40:31 asl pluto[14426]: packet from xx.xx.88.90:500: ignoring informational payload, type NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN
2016:06:08-10:40:41 asl pluto[14426]: packet from xx.xx.88.90:500: ignoring informational payload, type NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN

Since the setup is fairly self-explanatory for the Connection tab and Remote Gateway tab, I feel the problem is with the policy - but none of the policy settings I have seen in the threads work for me to get a green light. I am running a super simple 8-digit numeral pre-share key too.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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