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ssl VPN no Internet

Hello I can not get internet to work when connected to vpn for the life of me. Communication between other internal computers works fine but no internet.

OK i am on UTM 9

- Created user in allowed Users and groups
- Local networks put in "internal network" and "any"
- Unchecked automatic firewall

In NAT created a new masquerading
vpn ssl pool --> external

In Firewall created 2 new rule
User --> Any --> Any
Vpn ssl pool --> any --> any

Now I have tried many different configurations but none worked.. But this is the setup that I read to allow internet traffic from vpn user.. I am so lost and frustrated.. Please help

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  • Thank you Bob for the confirmation. So, don't forget to add masquerading rule "VPN Pool --> WAN" if you want everything to be tunneled through Sophos SSL VPN.

    Also, under "Remote Access - Advanced - Client Options" I set my DNS servers; however, I was wondering weather this is necessary if "VPN Pool" is already listed in the Global Allowed Networks for DNS?

    Thanks Bob again - helpful as always!

