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Remote SSL Domains


I am using Viscosity to connect via Remote SSL to Sophos UTM.

At work we have two domains, one of our internal ad-domain, and one remote system, which is it's own network/domain. Doesn't have trust or anything to do with the local network. Merely DNS, which has static entries to the IP-Adresses in the remote domain (there is an VPN tunnel between remote network and our local network, to be clear).

Now, in the UTM, I can enter a Domain in Advanced section of Remote SSL, along with DNS servers. However, I can only enter one Domain, for instance my internal. When I connect through remote though, the connection log states: Server - my dns server, Lookup Type - Split, Domains:

If I then try to reach the remote domain, it doesn't find it. Only if I enter BOTH domains in Viscosity-App, only then will it go for both domains through the DNS-Servers at work, which are provided from the UTM.

Now, I would like to do this centrally, I don't want to have to enter both domains in the VPN clients, but I would rather have OpenVPN handle it, and tell the client to use the two DNS servers at work to look up two domains. How can I set that with Sophos? I figured I can't just enter, into Domain field in the Sophos, so is there another solution? Basically I want to push settings from the Sophos, rather than to have set up the two domains on each vpn-client.

Thank you.

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