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Sophos UTM API Network groups creation via Python


I am working with Sophos UTM9 API. I am trying to create Network Group and assign members there via Python and requests.

I was able to easily get all objects/groups from device, but as soon as I try create simply from https://<url>:4444/api (POST /objects/network/group/) it gives me:

"name": "The network group object requires a Perl array for the members list attribute." (400 code).

I entered only Group name, as I want for start only create one without assigning, but also interested with member assign.


I didn't find anything across documentation what exactly api needs to create Groups. As I understand I need to add something X-Restd-Insert
any idea what exactly? P.S. maybe someone know how then request of creating group and assigning members can be translated to web URL link?


curl looks like this:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Restd-Insert:' --header 'Authorization: Basic <key>' -d '{"comment":"","name":"TEST"}' 'https://<url>:4444/api/objects/network/group/'
"name": "The network group object requires a Perl array for the members list attribute.",
"rights": "",
"attrs": [],
"Oattrs": [
"objname": "",
"del_object": "",
"ref": "",
"format": "The %_O object requires %_d for the %_A attribute.",
"class": "network",
"type": "group",
"perms": "",
"never_hide": 0,
"fatal": 1

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