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Sophos UTM showing duplicate Endpoint Protection Computer entries since update to 9.503-4 (came from 9.502-4)


I have a problem with my Sophos UTM Home Firewall. Since updating from 9.502-4 to 9.503-4, all my endpoint computers (9 in case) are showing with one duplicate entry. So I have 18 endpoints now when I click "Endpoint Protection" (Status overview page) on the left navigation bar. Before the update, 9 endpoints were shown.

It tells me this would violate 10 endpoint license from UTM Home and I should delete old or inactive endpoints. Following this, I clicked "Computer Management" on the left bar and went to the "manage computers" Tab. With filter set to all, It tells me "Showing [50] - 1-9 of 10" and I exactly see 9 endpoint entries on one page.

How I can I clean this up, because this has to be a Sophos Cloud Management fault after the update. I really dont have 18 installations.

Just noticed, the duplicate endpoints shown on the overview can be identified by "[Computer Name]" missing the "in [Location]" appendix.

Please help me.

Kind regards

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