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RED15 Tunnel UP but UTM shows disconnected

I have a RED 15 which after being powered on work OK however after I start a Windows Update or similar file transfer. The connection to my UTM drops but the RED tunnel led still shows as on. This problem has been observed on two different RED devices at the site. Both REDs have been RMA but the replacement shows the same problem. I use Netgear D700 routers and REDs at over 10 sites and all work well except for this site. The configuration for the devices is identical. The only differences is that this site used Virgin as the ISP the others use BT and Virgin uses a cable modem rather than ADSL. The network equipment at the faulty remote site work reliably for all other network traffic except RED and I can use it to connect to the UTM site using a cisco host to site VPN with no problem. If I reboot the RED it works OK again until I try to send any significant traffic down the tunnel.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of trouble in conjunction with D700 and Virgin. Sophos support are no longer replying to my support ticket so this forum is my last hope.

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