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E-mail Services Blocked

I am so confused. I have been using the Sophos UTM 9 (at home) for years and have been very satisfied with it. However, very recently something has changed and I have no idea what because the reality is that I make very little changes to the firewall. By that I literally mean like adding Static Mappings to DHCP and updating the firmware.

Anyway, as of about a week ago I can no longer receive work e-mails at home. My Microsoft Outlook client, my cell phone mail client, and OWA will NOT connect. Everything times out. No matter what I do.

Keep in mind that my devices have always been in a "Bypass Firewall" group due to that whole debacle and workaround to get Netflix and other services workings, from years ago. The only way for me to receive e-mail while at home is by (1) connecting my laptop to my work VPN and (2) disconnecting my cell phone from my wireless network.

Please advise. Thanks.

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