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NAT not working when applying WAN ip address object(created by custom)

Hi all,


I am new on this product and have search around the internet and this forum for a couple of day with no luck. 

My problem is the NAT not working when applying WAN ip address object(created by custom), but it will work if i apply the wan interface ip address (created by wizard).

My network config:

Firewall WAN interface: gw

Firewall DMZ interface:


My requirement is simple, let's say config NAT rules for public user to access my DMZ servers:

DMZ server A: LAN ip address nat to with HTTP,HTTPS and RDP services.

DMZ server B: LAN ip address nat to with SSH


Action token:

1) tested the wan ip address object is working fine at another brand of firewall

2) trace on the live log, cannot see any log is related to NAT rules

3) re-definite the wan and dmz ip address object to blind to "any" interface

4) create additional ip address for those wan ip address then apply to the NAT rules

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