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SG125 Two WAN links and two LAN links with a separate IP


I have SG125 currently with one Internet and one LAN network (192.168.5.x). I want to add an extra Internet link to the UTM and use this link for a different LAN (192.168.10.x) which has only camera connected to.

The setup I want to do is 

- Get both Internet links (ADSL PPPoE) working at the same time and use primary link for office users (192.168.5.x) but use secondary link for only the camera LAN network (192.168.10.x).

Is it even possible to use both connections simultaneously? I can kinda think of using multipath rules combining two links as uplink interface. But I am not sure what would be the best solution.

Or is it also possible to connect both connections and add static route for the secondary link?

Any suggestions appreciated.

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