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Sky Q reports broadband connectivity issues with UTM (home) used as router.

In my home network I've recently attempted to replace my aged netgear router with a small PC running the UTM Home code.  Actually, I have succeeded except for the Sky Q satellite receiver.  The setup is

OpenReach Modem --- Sophos UTM --- Netgear Gigabit switch 1 --- Netgear Gigabit switch 2 --- Sky Q box   /// all connections are wired ethernet.

The problem is that the Sky Q box reports that I have problems with broadband connectivity and many of the network based interactive services do not work, although I can download firmware updates and also trigger video downloads from the Sky website.  I can also access YouTube (lucky me).

I have set up firewall rules to allow the Sky box access to all internet sites using all IP protocols, and also allow all external access to the box from the outside (not a situation I want to maintain).  I have turned off all protection except the firewall and some POP3 email scanning.  If I replace the Sophos UTM device with the old netgear router the sky box works perfectly.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to go next.  Has anyone else done this or does anyone have any ideas what could be causing the problems?



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