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Lots of Steam "protocol" Drops in Firewall Live Log after adding DNAT for internal game server.

Hello UTM Gurus,

I have been crawling the forum and looking at all the game server hosting threads that I can find but have not found an answer.

I recently spun up a dedicated Ubuntu server inside my network to host a server for myself and my friends. I was able to successfully configure a DNAT rule to allow connection to the server from the internet and my friend is able to connect to my server and play.

However, I am now getting A LOT of "Default DROP" hits in my Firewall Live Log from external IPv4 to external WAN IP on one of the ports used for the game/DNAT.

Live Log:

08:58:03	Default DROP	Steam	:	58706 → MyWANIP	:	2457 len=53	ttl=114	tos=0x00	srcmac=00:01:5c:b3:a6:46	dstmac=MyWANMAC

Corresponding Firewall Log:

08:58:03 sutm ulogd[19577]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60001" initf="eth2" mark="0x32bf" app="703" srcmac="00:01:5c:b3:a6:46" dstmac="MyWANMAC" srcip="" dstip="MyWANIP" proto="17" length="53" tos="0x00" prec="0x20" ttl="114" srcport="58706" dstport="2457"

DNAT Rule:

!GameInbound = NetworkGroup with allowed Networks. (my brother's public IP and my "Internal (Network)" to allow connection from my workstation)

!Game Ports - Inbound = Service group with UDP 1:65535  →  2456:2458 (ports used by game)

Am I doing something wrong here? Is this just the nature of hosting a server? It looks like the boundary is being protected but it sure is a lot of noise in the logs for "Steam" on that DNAT port 2457.

Where does the "Steam" label come from in the Live Log?

Thanks in advance!

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