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Playstation 4 Pro and Firewall Rules - Tried all I found... STUCK

Hello everyone.  I have searched the forum for 3 days now and I cannot defeat this problem.

I have a PS4 Pro that I added to my network wired and with a Host defined for static IP.

The PS4 can download updates, watch videos from Hulu/Amazon/etc, download games from PS Now, but it CANNOT stream games from PS Now.

I get an error that the connection cannot support a stream.  The connection test shows as NAT 2.

I have fiber to my wall and full gigabit up and down.  My Sophos UTM 9 is configured with two interfaces.

The external interface handles all the PPPOE to CenturyLink and everything on my network works amazing.

I have a masquerade defined and as far as the firewall rules go, it is pretty simple. It has been in service over a year.

I use OpenDNS for my dns rather than the ISp or Google.

I do not use IPS.  I do not use Web Filtering.

I tried a DNAT but that does not seem to work.


Can someone put me on the correct path or give me some threads to pull?  I am stuck.

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