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Too slow internet speeds

I have a problem I cannot quite figure out. My customer has a 500/500 Mbp/s Internet connection. Clients do however only get 50 Mbit/s download speed and 120 Mbit/s upload. 


Yesterday I fluked their LAN and gave it a clean bill of health. When I hook up my laptop to the ISP router instead of the firewall I get full speed at 500/500 when testing with Ookla.


The strange thing is that this customer has a site-2-site vpn to our data center and traffic over the vpn gets full speed. I tested this by copying a large file (1 GB) between a linux server in the datacenter and a linux server at the customer site. I also get full speed when I download large files with wget directly on the firewall.


The firewall is a SG210 Active/passive HA pair, Firmware is the newest. QoS is disabled. I feel I have looked "everywhere" for settings slowing things down. I have tried disabling IPS, Web protection and ATP. I have also tried to reduce MTU size on WAN interface. None of these tests hav had any effect.

Interfaces are connected to the LAN switch with 1000/Full  (autoneg) and client computers also have 1000/Full. 


Anyone got any suggestions what might be causing this?

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