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NATing each VLAN to a /29 IP?

Our ISP provided us with a public /29 subnet. As an example, let's say they assigned us

Our gateway address is

We directly connected the Sophos UTM on eth1 to their GW.

We assigned to eth1 the IP address


We have an active Link Aggregation lag0.

We added multiple VLAN Interfaces to lag0: VLAN10, VLAN20, VLAN30. Each with it's own private network.


Our goal is to assign each VLAN it's unique public ip address: VLAN10=, VLAN20=, VLAN30=
In other words: Facing outward, each computer should communicate with internet services with public IP assigned to the VLAN the computer is connected to. And I should be able to add Portmappings from the public IP to servers within the respective VLANs.

Unfortunately, I don't know how I can assign the public IPs to the respective VLANs.

I tried adding Additional Addresses and using Masquerading, but that only results in a loss of connection. I assume that the packet is still sent, but that the response does either not reach the UTM, or the UTM does not remember which computer in which VLAN started the request. I hope you can help.

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