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forbid Access from / for a specific Network / Subnet

Hi Guys,

these Time I've a really strange Situation and hope for your Help / a good Idea.


I've a Subnet which should only be able to connect using VPN. So I created the VPN by Remote Access SSL and disabled the Firewall Rule (DNS, Websurfing). I tried to connect to the Internet and to my Surprise it still works. Then I tried to disable this Network completely and disabled (for testing) the Masquerading Rule, but it still works (Internet Access). And now I tried to create an Network Rule which forbids all Traffic from this Subnet and maybe you guess that it still works -> confused.

Maybe someone has an Idea of what goes wrong here?

No Masquerading Rule, nothing that allows the Traffic through the Firewall and although a Rule to block all Network in the Firewall -> but still Internet-Access. I'm confused

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