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Cannot ping outside UTM

I have tried and searched for two days and finally I relent and hope for help. I am setting up a UTM at home for the first time. I have looked over BAlfson's rulz and I am unable to get my setup off the ground.

Straightforward setup for testing.

Modem -> UTM -> Test PC

UTM External interface is pulling lease from Modem and  Internal is handling DHCP to Test PC without issues.

Masquerading rule setup for Internal(Network) -> External.

Internal network set to use UTM as DNS resolver and ISP assigned DNS forwarders is checked also tried with Google DNS servers.

Firewall rules initially set to allow only Internal -> Web Surfing -> Any and Internal -> DNS -> Any but have tried Internal ->Any ->Any

Disabled IPS and ATP for troubleshooting. Checked rulz noted logs.

Firewall logs are showing that every packet that is not of type UDP is being dropped. A long list of DNS request UDP packets will be allowed with sprinkled Default Drop TCP packets.

Any pointers or suggestions greatly appreciated. I am green in this area.

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