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Remote Desktop not routing to correct computer from outside

This is my first post on the site, so please bare with me if I don't make sense.

I just installed Sophos UTM 9 (Home version) and love what I see and have things working except for RDP from the outside world. 

I'm using DynDns for a public IP address and have set that up in the DynDNS section of DNS.  I also created these two DNAT entries for the computers that I want to RDP into.



I'm using FQDN in my remote desktop app... and  


When I turn on both of the RDP entries and turn on the DynDNS entry.  I can only RDP to the first server HF1 not the second one, HF2.  Yes the image shows HF2 as turned off but when I was attempting to connect, I had it open.  The issue is when both of them are turned on and I try to connect to HF2 it automatically connects me to HF1, even though I use in the address field of the RDP app.


Also thought I would add what my DynDNS configuration looks like in case I missing something in there.  (Again showing off but was on when trying to RDP)



Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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