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Can static routing be done on SOPHOS SG Series Bridged Interfaces ?

I have got 2 sites connected via L2 Point to Point. 

Site A which the SIP Server, and other VOIP Call server resources are located

Site B which all the IP Phones and Clients are located

i am unable to do static routing on the bridge interface. The bridge interface (Voice Data is use to establish connection via L2 Point to point from Site B to Site A.

there is another Local LAN (LAN Data which is on a separate interface on sophos. 

as the VOIP Call recording server and Reporting server is on the (Voice Data subnet i need to route traffic from the (LAN Data subnet so that LAN Data Subnet can access the VOIP Call recording server and reporting server. Tried static gateway routes and interface routes to the bridge interface but it doesn't seem to work. 

The only way for i got it to work is to do a SNAT on sophos tranlating the Data Subnet to the Voice Subnet GW located at Site B.

Any insights anyone could get static routing to work on bridge interfaces ?

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