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Host default gateway

I was working on an SG310 and ran across something I could not explain.  We have 4 interfaces configured (WAN, LAN, DMZ 1, DMZ 2) on the UTM.

Let's say the LAN network is, DMZ 1 is, DMZ 2 is and all networks are a /24

If I address a host in DMZ 2 at and set my default gateway to (DMZ 1 interface( I can reach devices on in the 192.168.0.x/24 LAN network.  It almost seems that the sophos is picking up the traffic from the my host in the DMZ 2 zone and knows that the mis-configured default gateway is configured on one of it's interfaces and just picks up traffic and routes it.

Now, if I shut down the DMZ 1 interface ( that I was using for my host at, then I cannot route off the network.

Is there a way to disable this by chance?


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