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SG220 UTM9 Country blocking not blocking port 4444


I'm a newbie in the Sophos community and apologize if my question has already been answered somewhere.

I've activated the Country blocking on our SG210 UTM9 v 9-705.3 appliance and was quite happy to check that the box no more accepted incoming requests (https redirection essentially) coming from countries where we don't have users.
From a PC i created a VPN tunnel to a blocked country, tried an access to one application behind the firewall and got no response, as awaited.
I also used Nmap to check,but discovered that with an "Nmap -Pn" port 4444 was found and, indeed, an https allowed me to login on the firewall.
I hoped the Country blocking would close all ports and make the firewall totally unseen from these countries.
Wrong understanding or bad configuration ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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