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SG230 Drop in speed between WAN and LAN

Hi all,

I have a SG230. Our WAN is a 1Gbps/1Gbps fibre link and yet running various Speedtests on the LAN from *any* client (workstations or servers) always returns results of 62Mbps/62Mbps fairly consistently.  This in itself is weird as prior to this issue starting a few weeks back, running always returned a range of results between around 300Mbps to 900Mbps depending on the workstation/server, time of day, and activity on the LAN (and if Venus was in alignment with Mars).

Only subscriptions on the SG230 are:  Base Functionality / Network Protection / Webserver Protection

Things I have checked ...

Laptop directly connected to ISP's NTU shows correct speed (actually around 950~970Mbps, but close enough)

Laptop directly connected to SG230 in place of ethernet cable to LAN (so SG230 disconnected from LAN) shows around 100~120Mbps.

QOS turned off. No change.

IPS turned off. No change.

The only active configurations are 'Firewall' incl 'NAT' and 'Web Application Firewall'.

The SG230 could have a hardware issue but I would like to exhaust all software avenues before pronouncing the UTM9 as faulty.


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