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Reset password for user via SSH

I changed the password of my Sophos SG105w. For some reason I can not login any more.
I tried all password version I had use or I would use. Still did not found the propper one yet.

I already found tutorials how to reset the 'admin', 'loginuser' or 'root' password for the UTM.
Unfortunately I created another account called '8m1n' and - as it seems - deleted the 'admin'.

So the standard 'system_password_reset' for 'admin', 'loginuser' and 'root' doesn't work for me.
I need to reset the password of my user '8m1n'. Is there any chance to do so in the shell (i.e. 'cc')?

Already tried to pull the data of my user 'dirk' using the following commands and grant access:

cc get_user_by_name 'dirk'
cc change_object 'REF_DefaultSuperAdmin' enabled 1

Any chance to reset the password for my user '8m1n' with another 'cc'-command on the shell?

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