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UTM - communication between two internal interfaces - subnets with vlans

Dear Sophos specialists,

I know your support forum for several years and i always found here solution for my problems. But in this time, after few days of trying, reading topics and thinking i cannot solve current problem on my own.


I have one WAN1 port - eth1 - from which internet is coming. One eth2 port where i have two interfaces created as Vlan network

- Office_LAB_vlan55
- Prod_LAB_vlan65

Both those network has created DHCP server inside Sophos. Internet works on both networks. My problem is that i cannot communicate between those two networks. I need to control traffic with firewall between them
I already tried probably all advices what i found on this forum. - read Rulz - Created rules in firewall - allow communication between those networks. - tried Static routing - set default gateway of Office network for DHCP of production - tried Multipath rules and so on....   

(i have test lab on UTM120, my main network is managed on SG210)

you can see more detailed description of my problem in those pictures. Please help if you can...


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