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Correct Procedure to Replace Standby Node in UTM 9 (FW 9.355-1) HA Master/Standby Setup

I have inherited a UTM 9 HA system - I have very little historical reference as to how it was setup initially.  The Slave node is dead.  I can login into the web interface of the master node and see under the HA Status that this system is Master and Active. Under the HA configuration tab is set for Hot Standby (active-passive), sync nic is eth17 (not eth3). Enable automatic configuration of new devices is checked.

I have an identical box (hardware and fw) that currently has an expired license on it and minimal config.  I would like to add this as a new slave. So what is the proper way to do this?

Can I just connect this to the current master and power up or is the fact that the sync nic not eth3 an issue?  Should I take a backup of the master and use this to pre-config the new slave first then connect it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am not really familiar with these devices.

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