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Does anyone know the UTM email protection Mail Manager scan order and if it rescans quarantine queues?

Does anyone know the UTM email protection Mail Manager scan order?

A user received a quarantine report which listed an email quarantined as SPAM.  I've seen the quarantine report emailand can confirm that the Reason was given as Spam.

They reported to our Service Desk that they didn't want the mail but when our Service Desk opened Mail manager as admin to delete the mail it had been quarantined as Malware (TR/Dropper.VB).

Anyone know why this would be the case?  Does UTM rescan mails in quarantine and move them to different queues?  The mail came in at 14:21 yesterday but the quarantine report went out at 0800 today.

Also to confirm, we only allow users to release Spam, Expression and Other quarantined mails.  Definately not Malware.



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