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Is it possible to email encrypt directly through the UTM 9 instead of having the mail redirected from the internet back to the utm?

I have a xg105 setup and doing encryption via the outlook plug in, works great. Now I have a sg210 and want to do an inline encryption (client includes keywords in body ie social security number etc.) where the client hits send and as long as the traffic flows through the UTM the encryption happens.

Support thinks I need to redirect the outside web hosts email back into the utm to do the encryption..

The client uses an online web/email host imap. No hosted email. There is NO mail server on premises, let alone an exchange server.


I would be happy with an outlook plug in as a last resort if the inline triggering doesn't work. 


The xg105 doesn't need this round robin it just works out of the box, can't the SG210 at least work the same way?

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