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Quarantine Report uses HTTP links instead of HTTPS

Hello everyone,

We are using UTM version 9.510-5 on hardware appliances.

After updating to version 9.510-5 on Aug 16, 2018, all users started complaining about not being able to release their rejected emails from the quarantine. When clicking on the Release link within Quarantine Report, the browsers (Chrome and Mozilla) display this page:

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.
Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.

Additionally, a 400 Bad Request error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

The IE11 simply displays a Web page not found (404) message.

I figured out, the Release and Whitelist links within Quarantine Report point to a URL similar to this:


Then, I pasted this link into my browser and changed http to https. It worked just fine, and I got back a normal message from UTM.

Can anybody suggest where in UTM there is a setting to configure the Release and Whitelist links within Quarantine Report sent by email (see image below) to be https instead of http? I seem to have checked everything: Management, Email Protection, and all other sections...

Will appreciate any advice!

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  • Thank you Michael,

    This is very interesting comment. I just forwarded it to Sophos. Will post their feedback if any.

  • Bob,

    Thank you for very detailed instructions!

    BAlfson said:
    1. Start PuTTy, put the LAN IP of the UTM into the 'Host Name' field and click [Open].
    2. Accept the servers host key.
    3. Login as loginuser.
    4. su -
    5. Enter the password for root.
    6. Copy the block of commands above and paste them into the terminal screen.
    7. When finished, enter exit to log out.
    8. Install the Up2Date in WebAdmin.

    This worked perfectly in one of my UTM (the other was under Sophos' support case with Support Access enabled). I was able to login, execute the commands.Then, in a few minutes after completing the download, without rebooting UTM, it offered me to install a "new" version, 9.510-5, which I scheduled for 4:30PM. UTM installed the update, and here are the logs:

    2018:09:12-16:30:02 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Starting Up2Date Package Installer
    2018:09:12-16:30:02 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Install u2d packages <sys>
    2018:09:12-16:30:02 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Starting installing up2date packages for type 'sys'
    2018:09:12-16:30:02 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Installing up2date package: /var/up2date/sys/u2d-sys-9.509003-510005.tgz.gpg
    2018:09:12-16:30:02 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Verifying up2date package signature
    2018:09:12-16:30:04 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Unpacking installation instructions
    2018:09:12-16:30:05 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: parsing installation instructions
    2018:09:12-16:30:05 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Unpacking up2date package container
    2018:09:12-16:30:06 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Running pre-installation checks
    2018:09:12-16:30:07 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package libsaviglue-9.50-31.g5e3c21d.rb5.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:07 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package cm-nextgen-agent-9.50-16.gc08104a.rb5.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:07 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package firmwares-bamboo-9400-0.293035296.g3733ac8.rb2.i586.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:07 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package hostapd-2.2-1.0.287145451.ga02be97.rb6.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package modurlhardening-9.50-222.g4fa60fe.rb6.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package perf-tools-3.12.74-0.292688430.ga5ef2ae.rb5.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package red-firmware2-5125-0.282730588.g354eda3d8.rb7.noarch.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package red15-firmware-5125-0.282730547.g89c84b337.rb10.noarch.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package samba-4.6.8-4.gae6a03c.rb2.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ulogd-2.1.0-133.g0d89a85.rb5.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:08 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-reporting-9.50-54.g9e81107.rb4.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:09 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-reporting-c-9.50-151.g7de2457.rb3.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:09 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-reporting-resources-9.50-54.g9e81107.rb4.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:09 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-awed-9.50-58.g7de6526.rb5.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:09 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Not installing optional ep-branding-ASG-afg
    2018:09:12-16:30:09 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Not installing optional ep-branding-ASG-ang
    2018:09:12-16:30:09 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-branding-ASG-asg-9.50-78.gabee2c3.noarch.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Not installing optional ep-branding-ASG-atg
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Not installing optional ep-branding-ASG-aug
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-confd-9.50-1822.g447351b3.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-ha-daemon-9.50-5.g7d07dcc.rb5.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-init-9.50-38.g352a07a.rb8.noarch.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-libs-9.50-33.g690bd32.rb9.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-logging-9.50-18.g10653ef.rb3.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:10 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-mdw-9.50-1060.gc9c553bb.rb9.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-postgresql92-9.50-109.g359d1c5.rb8.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-postgresql92-64-9.50-109.g359d1c5.rb7.x86_64.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-screenmgr-9.50-3.g07035cc.rb46.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-utm-watchdog-9.50-88.ge2d9ca8.rb2.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-webadmin-9.50-1416.gb92b94217.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-webadmin-contentmanager-9.50-84.g749571d.rb20.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-chroot-httpd-9.50-37.g1cad00c.rb4.noarch.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-chroot-smtp-9.50-149.g1ad0a54.rb2.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package chroot-bind-9.10.7-0.292458892.g9711d3a.rb2.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:11 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package chroot-ntp-4.2.8p11-0.gc174a78.rb3.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:12 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package chroot-smtp-9.50-24.gb41bc0f8.rb3.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:12 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-httpproxy-9.50-547.g1f8aab75.rb3.i686.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:12 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Not installing optional kernel-smp
    2018:09:12-16:30:12 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package kernel-smp64-3.12.74-0.292688430.ga5ef2ae.rb5.x86_64.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:12 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Package ep-release-9.510-5.noarch.rpm is already installed, skipping
    2018:09:12-16:30:12 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Creating automatic configuration backup
    2018:09:12-16:30:13 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Starting up2date package installation
    2018:09:12-16:30:26 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: New system version: 9.510005
    2018:09:12-16:30:26 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: id="371Z" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully installed Up2Date package" status="success" action="install" package_version="9.510005" package="sys"
    2018:09:12-16:30:26 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: [INFO-302] New Firmware Up2Date installed
    2018:09:12-16:30:47 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Up2Date Package Installer finished, exiting
    2018:09:12-16:30:47 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: id="3716" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Up2Date Package Installer finished, exiting"
    2018:09:12-16:30:47 firewall-1 auisys[17752]: Initiating reboot

    It looks like it did no changes though, all skipped.
    Anyway, I did another test by sending a spam email, and checked the logs. It was still there: http, not https. :(
  • Eventually, this case came to its conclusion.

    About a week ago, Sophos requested my consent to install an RPM package on my UTM.

    Then in a few days, I received a request from Sophos to check if the issue was fixed, which I did and it was fixed.

    Then I ask them to do the same update on the other site's UTM we have, and now both UTMs send quarantine reports with correct links: HTTPS!

    I appreciate everyone's input, and hope Sophos will release the next update for UTM with this bug fixed.

  • It's 2019 and firmware 9.510-5 still has the same problem - and no updates available!

    Tried reentering everything (host, port, network). Tried disabling and reenabling quarantine reports. Tried reboot...

    Still http:// release links to a https port...


    Any further suggestions ?

  • Marcel,

    This problem was resolved for me by Sophos, after I called them for support.

    Apparently, this is not very common, and solution will be included in the next release. Version 9.510-5 is still the latest as of today.

    I can suggest you to call Sophos, they will fix it for you too.

  • Firmware version 9.600-5 fixed this problem for me!