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Sophis UTM and Unifi

Hi all,

I'm considering installing Sophos UTM at my business. I currently have a unifi setup. Fibre Modem --> Unifi USG --> Unifi Switch --> Unif APs.

I have a few questions about the install. Firstly do I install the UTM in between the fibre modem and the USG, or between the USG and Switch? The main reason for using Sophos UTM is to fill in the gaps that the Unifi USG cant do. Mainly keeping a records of Mac addresses and website visited and Web filtering. My plan was to use it in transparent mode. I understand the issue with using it to record HTTPS as i will need to install a custom cert which is fine or live with the HTTPS cert errors.

Also i have 4 VLANs setup so if i was to put the UTM in between the USG and switch will the UTM pass all the VLANs i.e. trunking? 

My other idea was to use the UTM as a VPN server, currently the Unifi one is very buggy. So ideally the UTM will need to be installed between the fibre modem and the USG. if so does the UTM support pppoe? 

And finally to test the system i will be using an old intel i3 3220 and a 4 port intel nic. will this be ok for web filtering/reporting and VPN? not too concerned about AV and IPS, maybe i can look at this another time. My line connection is currently 100/20 with the option to upgrade to 300/30.

Sorry for all the questions 

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