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IP-based License "downgrade" requires reinstall?

So we have a UTM9 deployed at Amazon (AWS) that is currently licensed for 100 IP addresses.   It's up for renewal and, after looking at our usage patterns and projected next year, we see no possibility of needing more than 50 IPs.   

We're currently being told by Sophos (via our reseller) that while they can provide a renewal license for 100 IPs, if we want to "downgrade" to 50, they will have to provide a NEW license (ok, no problem so far) and installing THAT license will require us to reconfigure the UTM from scratch.    i.e., they're telling me that installing the new license will completely wipe the existing configuration.  Now, esp. because this is an AWS ec2 instance, it's not too hard for us to save the config, destroy the old instance, bring up a new one with the new license and reload the saved configuration .....   

but should that really be necessary?   I find it really hard to believe that loading a new license will reset all config to factory defaults as they're telling me.   Can anyone confirm that this is indeed the case?   It *sounds* more like a clumsy attempt to lock us into the higher-cost license we don't need... but I want to believe better of Sophos than that...

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