Got this SSD in my SG20 it can in a SG30 too. Can put the cover on but have to left up on it just a little to slide the top on. Got the SATA to IDE on Amazon. Just $9 for it.
Here is a link to my Google photo's with one from the BIOS screen of the SG30. I got a ribbon cable and put a video card in it. So can get this screen.
It shows you the keys you can press to boot in to things.
-Raymond Day
Just checked it again I downloaded just the corrupt files again. But WinRAR says the same testing them. The same files are still all corrupt!
I thought with all this time maybe it be fixed. Why do they even have them files up there if they are corrupt can't use them.
-Raymond Day
I installed the Toshiba Magnia Astaro v8 Install CD it took a long time I thought it was locked up but the CD open and it had a clock on it's LCD display.
Got a ribbon cable to a VGA card. I log in to it with root and no password.
I did a ifconfig and and it's eth0 is set to how do I change it. I set it to what should work with "ifconfig eth0 netmask"
Can only ping it's IP. I got the Ethernet plug in one of it's 7 ports when I plug it in the 1 port I could get get a ping from it.
How can I set a IP and get it to save it?
-Raymond Day
Checked all it's open ports I have the Ethernet plug in port 7. Only port 4444 if open.
nmap -PI
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-02-02 10:48 EST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00019s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
4444/tcp open krb524
MAC Address: 00:10:C6:1F:5A:B3 (Universal Global Scientific Industrial)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.43 seconds
I went to but it says this page isn't working
How do I set this ASG up?
-Raymond Day
I had to go to and can set it up there doing that now.
So just had to put in the https not just http.
-Raymond Day
The ASG worked good and I DD back it up after I set it up some.
But I still like to install a Ubuntu server on it.
Got a VGA card on it with a cable so I can still have the top board plug in. There is one IDE plug in it and I plug a IDE cable in it and put the HDD and DVD ROM drove on the 2 ports of the cable.
It works good. Installed Ubuntu server 32 bit on it. But it still don't boot. It's says no boot sector found or other installs said boot sector out of range.
Guess tested about 10 installs now and after done just don't boot.
Any one know how could get this to work. I guess have to make some small partition at the start of the HDD and put the boot on that partition and maybe it has to be a FAT32 partiton. Not sure if so how would I do that?
To bad the ISO Ubuntu server is corrupt about 5 or more files when trying to put them together in a ISO.
Did any one else make a ISO of this long ago when or if it ever worked?
-Raymond Day
I got Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS installed on my SG30!
Started with I think Ubuntu 10 32-bit or i386 and the 1st version update. Had to run a fix system and picked to fix grub. From then on it booted and found out they have no i386 ISO so have to update it to 18.04.4 LTS. I guess next month can update it to 20.04.
But I don't have the LCD working. I got the programs out of the Astaro Security Gateway V7 but it has RPM's in it and will not work on Ubuntu server. Installed that on a 32GB SD card and put that card in my other Ubuntu server and did 2 copy commands like this:
rsync -avP /media/m/etc/init.d/boot.d/S00boot.sglcd root@sg30:/etc/init.d/
rsync -avP /media/m/home/login root@sg30:/home/
But like I said it has RPM's in it and so it will not work on Ubuntu server.
In the Yahoo GS30 grape they had a LCD script for the SG30 but I never downloaded it. Any one have that. It my work for Ubuntu server.
It just be nice to have the switch and LCD working on this. Don't really need it.
To bad the Linux download link here are messed up. When unzipping them says error on like 5 or more of the files.
-Raymond Day
On the Yahoo groups they let you download it. I have a zip file and in it had the files for the SG20 and in there a lcd-2.2.1.tar.gz
The files from that look like this:
root@sg30:~# cd /home/raymond/lcd-2.2/
root@sg30:/home/raymond/lcd-2.2# ls ipaddr lcd-2.2 lcd.c lcd.init README lcd lcd-2.2.c lcd.c~ Makefile
root@sg30:/home/raymond/lcd-2.2# ls -l
total 136
-rwxr-xr-x 1 raymond raymond 229 Jun 10 2007
-rwxr-xr-x 1 raymond raymond 2557 Jun 11 2007
-rwxr-xr-x 1 raymond raymond 255 Jun 11 2007 ipaddr
-rwxr-xr-x 1 raymond raymond 19684 May 18 2009 lcd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 raymond raymond 19678 May 16 2009 lcd-2.2
-rwx------ 1 raymond raymond 21217 May 18 2009 lcd-2.2.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 raymond raymond 21267 May 18 2009 lcd.c
-rw------- 1 raymond raymond 21215 May 18 2009 lcd.c~
-rwxr-xr-x 1 raymond raymond 466 Mar 9 2007 lcd.init
-rw-r--r-- 1 raymond raymond 96 Mar 9 2007 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 raymond raymond 2530 Jun 11 2007 README
I did do a make install and it seems to run the "Makefile" but it needs to run a lot more.
How do I install this. The README just shows what it can do not how to install it.
It's got Ubuntu Linux 18.04.4 32-bit server on it. Be nice if could get the LCD not to just display the "BIOS POST".
But all I have done it does say "Please Wait...e" on it now.
Guess soon can update it to 20.04
-Raymond Day