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Question: is it possible that since 09.02.2022 8:00 no pattern / Antivir updates work anymore?

In my log of the UTM the following can be found

2022:02:09-01:00:08 home audld[10394]: id="3707" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully synchronized fileset" status="success" action="download" package="avira4"
2022:02:09-01:00:09 home auisys[10543]: no HA system or cluster node
2022:02:09-01:00:09 home auisys[10543]: waiting for db_verify to return (30 seconds max)
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: not cleaning /var/up2date/sys-install in --nosys mode
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/appctrl43-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/aptp-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/avira4-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/aws-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/cadata-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/clvbrowser-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/geoip-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/geoipxtipv6-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/ipsbundle2-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/man9-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/ohelp9-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/sasi-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: removing '/var/up2date/savi-install'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Starting Up2Date Package Installer
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <man9> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <aws> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <clvbrowser> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <appctrl43> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <ohelp9> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <geoipxtipv6> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <aptp> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <cadata> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <geoip> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <ipsbundle2> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <sasi> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: No suitable packages of type <savi> found, skipping
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Install u2d packages <avira4>
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Starting installing up2date packages for type 'avira4'
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Installing up2date package: /var/up2date/avira4/u2d-avira4-9.19140-19141.patch.tgz.gpg
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Verifying up2date package signature
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Unpacking installation instructions
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: parsing installation instructions
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: This is a patch. Setting required_version to 9.19140
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Unpacking up2date package container
2022:02:09-01:00:11 home auisys[10543]: Running pre-installation checks
2022:02:09-01:00:12 home auisys[10543]: Starting up2date package installation
2022:02:09-01:00:55 home auisys[10543]: Still waiting for process 'sync' (pid=10663, timeout 8388607 seconds, 8388577 remaining)
2022:02:09-01:01:21 home auisys[10543]: id="371Z" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully installed Up2Date package" status="success" action="install" package_version="9.19141" package="avira4"
2022:02:09-01:01:21 home auisys[10543]: [INFO-306] New Pattern Up2Dates installed
2022:02:09-01:01:22 home auisys[10543]: Up2Date Package Installer finished, exiting
2022:02:09-01:01:22 home auisys[10543]: id="3716" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="

Since 09.02.2022 approx. 8:00 o'clock there are no more new pattern updates or virus patterns. Is this a local problem for us or do others have the same proble
2022:02:09-08:30:02 home audld[21719]: no HA system or cluster node
2022:02:09-08:30:03 home audld[21719]: patch up2date possible
2022:02:09-08:30:03 home audld[21719]: Starting Secured Up2Date Package Downloader
2022:02:09-08:30:05 home audld[21719]: Secured Up2date Authentication
2022:02:09-08:30:07 home audld[21719]: id="3701" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Authenticationm?

Regards George

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