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Installation using serial console

Hello to all!

I know there have been a lot of discussions regarding installation using a serial console, but while I read to follow a blind installation by duplicating the installation to a VM, I also read in some more recent topics that the installer now has by default the ability to do it. (I know for a fact that XG installs fine via serial console because I have done it with version 18 and this machine, and on those posts where they say that it can install now via serial, some people confuse the UTM version with the early XG versions, so not really sure of the actual facts)

In my case I have a - non - Sophos appliance. I know that sophos uses 38400 for the serial console, so changed the serial console speed to 38400 from the BIOS of the machine. I have connected using a serial cable. I get to the screen where I need to hit enter to boot. After hitting enter I see another screen with start and another two options. When hit Enter to start, then I see nothing more..

I tried duplicating the installation to a VM, but to no avail. Afterwards I read that I will need a usb keyboard connected to the appliance in order for this to work (I was using the laptop's keyboard while connected to serial via putty), so I have yet this to try.

I also read that with APUs  people needed to use 3 NICs in order to accurately duplicate the key presses on the VM, since the APU has 3 NICs. My appliance has 5 so should I add 5 if it try the blind installation?

Any insight welcome!

Thanks a lot!

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