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Qotom Q555G6 for UTM home?

Hello all. I used to use UTM Home to protect my home network but drifted away because I never had time to reconfigure after getting a fiber modem. It's time for me to get a real firewall going again.

I know I could run this on some old box (I have plenty :-\ ) but I want to host UTM on a small fanless system to save electricity. I see frequent posts about Qotom systems, but I didn't see any after 2017. Based what I've read, I am leaning toward the Q555G6 with 8gb RAM, 64gb SSD, and no wifi. It has Intel I211 LAN ports. (Lots of people seem to like the Q355, but I gather the Q555 has replaced it.)

• I currently have 25mbps download (fiber) but could, in theory, upgrade as far as 1000mbps. Realistically, I can't imagine needing more than 100mbps.
• The biggest network load is cloud backup and streaming, the latter especially when we have houseguests.
• Content filtering is important, so I expect to run the full Sophos stack.
• There are no servers within the network. All email is hosted.

Is this the box you'd recommend? Alternatives are welcome, too.

Thanks in advance.

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